
Smoke and balaclavas
An account of a 1986 fascist meeting in the Netherlands being ended by a huge fire instigated by anti-fascists.
The S.I. on the Dutch Provos movement and the involvement of former S.I. member Constant. From Internationale Situationniste #11 (October 1967).
Message of a wise Kabouter was written by Roel van Duijn, a Dutch anarchist organizer who founded the Provo counterculture movement and the…
A Black Flag article on resistance to the Olympic Games in Berlin and the Netherlands in the 1980s and 1990s.
The Communist Reader with a new introduction by Paul Mattick Jr. | Published by Radical Reprints (2021) | PDF attached | A print version is…
There were actions against the WTO all over the world, including Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Iceland, Turkey and the places below. Article from Black Flag #219 about the protests on November 30th 1999.