
The following are two independent replies to 'A Reply to Two Comrades from Nottingham'. Both are written in a personal capacity and do not necessarily reflect the views of other members of Nottingham Campaign Against the Job Seekers Allowance (recently renamed Nottingham Claimants Action). The first, "Doling It Out", is by one of the Two Comrades, the second, "State Power and Class Solidarity", is by two members of…
Nottingham based cross-university campaign group and bulletin - made up of workers and students - for ALL workers and students! This bulletin was…
Local newspaper covering the 1958 Nottingham race riots.
Ron Ramdin's short history on the 1958 Nottingham race riots, in which over a thousand white people took part in mass racist violence against…
ALAN SILLITOE, born in Nottingham 1928, started work at Raleigh’s cycle factory 1942. He is the author of Saturday Night and Sunday Morning 1958, The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner 1959, The General 1960, The Rats 1960, Key to the Door 1961, and The Ragman’s Daughter 1963. David Brett’s stage adaptation of his first book opens at the Nottingham Playhouse this month.
HAROLD DRASDO, who lives in Nottingham and teaches English, was born in Bradford in 1930. He has contributed to several issues of ANARCHY and wrote the latest guide to Lakeland rock-climbs.
PAUL RITTER was born in 1925 and now lives in Nottingham where he practices as a planning consultant and lectures at the School of Architecture. He and his wife Jean wrote The Free Family, and his children wrote Everybody Silly Sometimes. He organised the“Child’s eye View” exhibition and the much-travelled “Man and Motor” exhibition. His newly published book Man and Motor is an essential companion volume to the…
CLIFFORD LEE extracted these comments on the city from unprepared essays by 14-year-olds at a Nottingham secondary modern school.
RAY GOSLING, born in Northampton, read English for one year at University of Leicester and left to help operate the West End Coffee Bar, a cafe and dance hall and club run by the Townies for the Townies. Now lives in Nottingham. Wrote Lady Albermarle’s Boys (1961) and Sum Total (1962). Recently made a BBC tv film Two Town Mad about Leicester and Nottingham, and is at present working on an Urban Ramble Round Britain,…
PHILIP CALLOW comes from Coventry, but is Nottingham by marriage. He is the author of Common People 1958, Native Ground 1959, A Pledge for the Earth 1960, and of the TV play The Honeymooners.