
The document reproduced below is the presentation made at the CWO meetings in Cardiff (16 October 2021) and in Liverpool (26 March 2022). The aim…
The letter below was given to Class War after issue 69 appeared, in the expectation that they would print it in their paper. They later told us verbally that it was "not the type of thing they put in their paper" or somesuch phrase. This was disappointing, not to say rather pathetic, but we are printing it ourselves instead in the hope that it still might provoke useful debate.
“Revolusi Tikus” oleh Diều Hâu.
A translation of our piece “The Broken Promises of Vietnam” into Bahasa Indonesia. Translated by Ameyuri Ringo.
“A Rats’ Revolution” von Diều Hâu.
Eine Kritik vietnamesischer Anarchist*innen am sogenannten „Sozialismus“ in Vietnam. A translation of our piece “The Broken Promises of Vietnam”…