
“Revolusi Tikus” oleh Diều Hâu.
A translation of our piece “The Broken Promises of Vietnam” into Bahasa Indonesia. Translated by Ameyuri Ringo.
“A Rats’ Revolution” von Diều Hâu.
Eine Kritik vietnamesischer Anarchist*innen am sogenannten „Sozialismus“ in Vietnam. A translation of our piece “The Broken Promises of Vietnam”…
"Cách mạng của chuột" - Diều Hâu
Người vô trị Việt Nam phê phán cái được gọi là “chủ nghĩa xã hội” ở Việt Nam. Xem bản video từ veritas et caritas tại đây. Also available in…
Link: Video length: 17:28 A response to two propaganda videos by multimillionaire CEO and author Andy Puzder where he argues that capitalism caters to human needs and empowers the masses as a form of economic democracy. This response video debunks Puzder’s claims while also presenting a broader critique of capitalism more generally. [youtube]41_6RGrZA5o[/youtube] Debunking the video “Why Capitalism Works” by PragerU, aka Prager University, and having a few laughs along the way. The problems with capitalism are due to inherent flaws and failings within the system. It's not that individual capitalists are greedy. Greed can be an aggravating factor, but even well intentioned capitalists must make profit the priority. The result is an economic system…
Responding to “Socialism Makes People Selfish” by PragerU, a video which tries to convince you it’s selfish to want a society where we're guaranteed what we need for wellbeing and survival. PragerU uses “abuser logic” – a warped pattern of reasoning that abusers use to convince their victims they’re unworthy of decent treatment. The working class is in an abusive relationship with capitalism and PragerU wants us…
Une toile de Diêu Hâu inspirée par une peinture traditionnelle vietnamienne.
Critiques d’un anarchiste Vietnamien. A translation of our piece “The Broken Promises of Vietnam” into French. Translated by Collectif Emma…
Meritocracy: a sweet lie we’re told to make capitalism seem fair. But is this lie actually sweet? Is meritocracy something good to strive for, or is it trash? This video will: 1. Discuss how belief in meritocracy is used to manipulate us into supporting a system that’s against our interests 2. Present evidence that meritocracy is a myth 3. Argue that capitalists get rich not by merit…
“La revolución de las ratas” — Diều Hâu.
Una crítica anarquista vietnamita al llamado “socialismo” de Vietnam. A translation of our piece “The Broken Promises of Vietnam” into Spanish…
 “A Rats' Revolution” by Diều Hâu.
A Vietnamese anarchist critique of the so-called “socialism” of Vietnam. See also the video version by veritas et caritas here. Also available in…