Hunterston nuclear power station strike - week 5

Another installment from the picket line for news. "The dispute continues with no resolve in sight, we need support".

Authored on
October 10, 2006

1st day of the 5th week in our dispute with Balfour Kilpatrick.

Our dispute with BK has still not reached a resolution.

BK management called a meeting on Monday morning. They offered nothing in the way of a settlement and remain adamant that they will not pay any enhancement on our hourly rate. They insist that no dispensation to allow such a payment would be granted by the SJIB, even although within the SJIB rulebook there is a facility to do so.

Our friends from the non-interfering British Energy management team made another appearance, no doubt to harass their workforce into not stopping at our picket line.

A strike fund is in the process of being set up because as you can imagine the financial implications of our dispute, if not already will clearly have an effect within the coming weeks. We have already been offered support in this from fellow AMICUS members throughout the country, hence the fund being set up. We are extremely grateful for the support shown and it will no doubt strengthen an already strong resolve in our dispute with BK.

Those travelling to the site have shown a great deal of support and understanding in our cause and subsequent course of action, which as you know was not taken lightly. We applaud those that have shown this support and their patience during the delays they have endured.

The police were understanding as usual to our plight and allowed us to picket peacefully throughout the day.

The weather today was warm dry and sunny unfortunately tomorrow doesn’t look so good, but hey who needs good weather when you’ve got a great cause.
Hopefully the powers that be will recognise that our cause is just and re-instate what was taken away.
