Anti-CPE youths confront fascists in Paris riot

Members of French fascist party Front Nationale attacked anti-casualisation demonstrators in Paris.

Authored on
March 15, 2006

Last night (Tuesday March 14th), another riot. Taken from Paris Indymedia:

Last night, Tuesday evening, in front of the Sorbonne, several hundred people gathered to ask for the withdrawal of the CPE. Once again the police force made use of violence to prevent the students from expressing themselves. But this time they received the support of a hundred youth members of the Le Pen's National Front. The latter, as faithful servants of the system, gathered towards 19h30, with helmets and iron bars, a hundred metres from the Sorbonne, in order to attack the anti-CPE gathering.

libcom notes
You can see a very short clip of the rioting that followed here. The clip first shows Domenique de Villepin speaking in parliament. It then pans to Francois Hollande, the Socialist MP who is seen rejecting Villepins point. Theres then a clip of the riot at Nantes train station - look out for the plain clothes agent provocateur(!). Next in the sequence, a clip of the hundred fascists with a white banner. Watch out for the anti-CPE student who sidles up to the fascists before grabbing the banner off them!
